About Me

Dr. Elizabette Cohen is a New York licensed and U.S.D.A. accredited veterinarian who practices high-quality medicine and surgery all over New York since 1988. She became an Associate Professor of Veterinary Technology in 2010. Dr. Cohen received her B.A. cum laude degree from Columbia University and her D.V.M. degree from Cornell University College of Veterinarian Medicine. She is a pet expert and behavior modification consultant.

Dr. Cohen participates in the free spay/neuter program for the A.S.P.C.A. and the Toby Project, and has performed countless surgeries, which help prevent unwanted pregnancies and diseases. She was instrumental in helping to launch the Low Cost Vet Mobile at the ACC (New York Center for Animal Care & Control) in 2009 to help prevent animal surrender.

Dr. Cohen is an active member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the New York State Veterinary Medical Society, the New York City Veterinary Medical Association and the Long Island Veterinary Medical Association. She serves on several veterinary medical boards.

Dr. Cohen wrote and recorded thousands of “Healthy and Happy Pet” reports for 20 years that aired on CBS news radio and published the book, Most of My Patients Wear Fur.

She grew up in Forest Hills, but now resides in Long Island City with her eleven year old black lab, Luna, and six year old black cat, Salem. She has two adult children and enjoys surfing on Long Island when she’s not busy saving animals.